I am living in US and need to give an ad in Indian newspaper for name change, I have approval final decree from supreme court of Georgia, USA which I can send as a scanned copy. Could you please let me know the process and cost for the same? I also need hard copy of newspaper? Where I can see ad in e-paper of Times of India?


Please be informed that we are an online newspaper ad booking agency and we can help you book an ad in any newspaper in India from anywhere in the world. We do not provide any hard copy of any newspaper. You can see your ad after it is published in the E-paper Edition of Times of India, on the date and edition it is published in.

If you intend to book your name change advertisement in the TOI, then you can see the rates on the Announcement Ad Rates page of Times. While booking a name change ad, the main category should be announcement and the sub-category should be “change of name”. You can see the entire ad booking process with the Online Booking Slideshow.

On the rates page, you can choose the preferred edition or package and proceed with your ad composition. As you are done with your composition, you must confirm the release dates and  then make the payment through our online payment mediums which include:

  • Net Banking
  • Credit/Debit Card
  • Paypal
  • NEFT

Make sure that the ad booking is complete 2-3 days before the release date to avoid any ad release delays. Also do not forget to send us a scanned copy of the Original Notarized Affidavit testifying the change in the name, to documents@releasemyad.com

Change of Name Ad for Times of India
Rs.600 /5 lines Book Now

No Package Available For This Selection.
Related to: Times of India, Change of Name, How to Book, Payment Options, Documentation Post date: 25/11/2016 - 10:30AM